Monday, April 30, 2007

OK...Wed to Sun update.....back up to speed

OK...this might be a bit of a longer entry, but it'll get everyone back up to speed on the last 5 days


5000m swim in the morning. The main set was 100,200,300,400,500 Pull and then we repeated it again. Nothing special, just a long aerobic set this morning. The harder workouts were coming in the afternoon :)

we met as a group at Starbucks, and rolled out for our bike workout. After 30' warm-up, it was into 2 separate big loops along Saanich road, each about 21-22 mins each. The first round was tough as Kyle and I were never in the group (Kyle had flatted) and Kyle was able to bridge into the group, and I didn't quite make it, riding solo most of the way...though Joel did drop back to assist with some motor pacing which was nice. the second interval went a lot better, as I stayed in for the whole interval, Simon was on the front most of the time, he's riding really strong right now.
We rode back easy for 20' and then hit one more interval roughly 7 mins long, and then straight into a 2km run off the bike. The run felt good, settled into a rhythm, ran roughly 6:40 for the 2km which I was happy with. We then continued on with the main part of the run workout being: 4 X 90", 4 X 60", 4 X 30", 4 X 15" all fast with equal rest.


A double run day again for me. 40' ez run in the morning, legs were sore from the hard efforts yesterday. Rode for 90' on the trainer, as it looked like it was going to rain. I had an appointment with Dr Hasagawa today, got some new exercises to strengthen my right leg.
A 40' ez run on the treadmill later in the day followed by a soak in the hot tub ended the day.


5000m this morning in the pool. I swam like Blah. Felt really crappy in the water, and it showed in my swimming. Just another down day in the pool. I could tell right away during warm-up. Just had to get through the workout, and get it done. Main Set was 4 X (50 fast, 150 ez, 100 fast, 200 ez, 150 fast, 250 ez)

Had a 60' ride with stomps throughout....and an ez 40' run on the treadmill.


Big workout today. Some hard bike intervals, straight into the Tim Don track special.

We rode the ring road at U Vic (almost 2km in length). The workout was 3 X (3 loops working together, 1 loop TT effort) w. 5' ez riding in between each interval. The group was AP, Kyle, Andrew, Kirsten and myself. Good group efforts on the bike, all three intervals were over 41km/hr

#1 336 W avg, 41.3km/hr
#2 340 W avg, 41.9km/hr
#3 330 W avg, 41.7km/hr

We had roughly 5 mins or so to get changed out of our bike stuff, and into our running stuff before tackling the Tim Don special.

32 X 200 on the track as (3 on 60", 1 on 90")

A tough run off the bike, took a few for the legs to come around. Managed to hold 35's for the whole set, pretty decent, didn't fall off at the end. I'd like to hold 34's for all 32...that will come.


40' ez run this morning...legs really really sore from yesterday...loosened up a bit during the run.
Long group ride today. 75km in total....legs were pretty trashed from yesterday.

5000m in the pool as the last workout (We swam SCM today)
Main set was 30 X 100 threshold effort

1-10 Pull on 1:25 (Held 1:10's)
11-20 5 paddles, 5 swim on 1:20 (Held 1:10's)
21-30 Swim on 1:20 (Held 1:07's, last was 1:04)

Totals for the Week

Swim: 23,000 m
Bike: 328 km
Run: 80 km

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